How to decrypt payload

Hello everybody,

in my application I received only the payload “48656C74656320697320686572652079657021” for a sended string “Heltec is here yep!” How can I decrypt it?



Don’t send strings! They’re horribly wasteful.

What you are receiving is the hexadecimal representation of the character codes making up your improper message.

You should send only short, optimally packed numeric values in TTN/LoRaWAN payloads.

But once you’ve got going, don’t send strings. Look at

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Thanks a lot! Now it’s working fine.
But I have the next question.

The EV_TXCOMPLETE-Event never occurs.
I have the following messages in my Arduino-Serial-Monitor.

Packet queued
462043: EV_JOINED

Any suggestion?

Thanks in advance!


This means either the device is not hearing the Join Accept transmission from the gateway or the keys aren’t correct and a join accept isn’t due to be sent.

Where is your gateway, how close is it to your device, does the gateway / device consoles show the join request and the join accept?

Thanks for the answer.

The InDoor-Gateway is 10cm next to my LoRa-Node.

Here is my Gateway-Traffic


Ist shows join request, join accept and upload to the application.

Here is my Application-Data


Thanks a lot for your support!



10cm would be like me shouting in your ear - very uncomfortable and likely to be a break down in communication. You need 5m or a brick wall or both between gateway and device.

The screen shots say it’s working - what did the serial log say for that test?

You mean in Serial-Monitor in Arduino


on TTGO boards i’ve seen in the past the same: EV_TXCOMPLETE never occurs.
the solution was: //Do not forget to manually wire DIO1 to GPIO33.

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I’m using the Heltec-Lora32 (V2)-Board.
Is that correct for this board?

That was the solution!!! Great.



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