Thanks for your replies.
I’ve managed to use to of those radio’s in a peer-to-peer connection and that worked. So I can create some project with my students with LoRa. But I’ve bought them to use with LoRaWAN like TTN!
Just as loratracker and cslorabox said, this Radio module uses the ATMega168 as an interface between the RFM95W (SPI) and my Arduino (serial connection). I’m not capable (nor do I have time) of writing my own library, so for the time beeing this is for me a dead end.
Strange dough (as cslorabox already mentioned), the Wiki page of Seeed studios link to the LMIC library.
On the back of the Radio module there are 6 soldering pads suggesting you can make an SPI connection and this way skip the ATMega168, I can see the following pins: GND, MOSI, 3V3, RST, SCK, MISO. (These soldering pads are direcly at the back of the RFM95W module, so nog through hole). I will try to connect those to my Arduino, but then I need some help with the right configuration in the LMIC librarry:
I will try the following connections between the Radio Module and an 3.3V Arduino UNO:
MOSI <=> D11
3V3 <=> 3V3
RST <=> D9
SCK <=> D13
MiSO <=> D12
What settings should I then use with LMIC,
const lmic_pinmap lmic_pins = {
.nss = 10,
.rst = 9,
.dio = {2, 3, 4},
Or do I need to use a multimeter and find out the connection between the soldering pads and the RFM95W. What should I measure and how does that correspond with the lmic_pinmap?
Or do I need to add some extra leads directly with the RFM95W module?