How to configure more than one collectd endpoint

Hey there – i have another question regarding the docker gateway software based initially on @jpmeijers ttn-resin-gateway-rpi. it was forked from @Amedee and then from our local community @Caspar again …

we are sending data from several gateways into a local influxDB ---- is possible to configure more than one collectd-connection in the network.conf file (one time in our repository and afterwards seinding it automatically to our fleet outside) ? my intention is to store data from the gateways to more than one endpoint.

the file is located in the path \ttn-gateway-containers\collectd\collectd.conf.d\

thanks for your ideas upfront ! — best regards from ttn-rhein-sieg community based in Germany

Hi Jens

I haven’t tested it, but according to the collectd documentation, you can just specify multiple Server entries…

(So you will to tweak a bit the project config file to generate multiple Server lines for the collectd config)

Hi ! thanks for the idea - i will ask our supervisor to test it in the next days — i will come back with news !