I have PoE enabled Raspberry Pi 3B+ based LoRaWAN® Gateway and RN2483 Low-Power Long-Range Lora Technology Transceiver Module.
I need to find a solution for "How the sensor data can be decoded on the gateway? Please help…
Is this question yours too? Lora Gateway Decoding.
Yes, this one for alternate if that one will not work.
Are you saying that you are asking something different here? Then I guess you need to explain more about what you want.
Does this mean you now have your gateway working?
My gateway is working fine, it is just showing connected on ttn. Now I want to do decode on the gateway.
The gateway passes the message to TTN which can then, depending on how you have it configured, store the data or pass it on to your server.
Any decoding is based on how the node was programmed - so you’ll need to tell us more about the node to be able to point you in the right direction: what sensors does it have on it, how did you set it up, where are the uplinks being stored?
Beware that you cannot use that on a gateway, as it needs to know a lot of device details to determine which device an uplink belongs to and to decrypt the application payload.