How close can you have two gateways?

I have two gateways, one is a TTN origional I just got the other a DIY Pi thats turned off at the moment. Both are setup in V2. I was thinking of migrating one to v3. I live in Holland and I’m wondering if I could (or should) set these two up near each other. Will they function properly side by side in the same physical space or should I avoid this?

You can put them close together but recommend is to keep at least 2m between th3 antennas to avoid overloading receiver circuits when the other gateway transmits.
Even better would be to have vertical separation, one antenna 2m above the other.

I’m running 3 gateways in the loft (to be able to test new software builds) without issues.

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Damage wise, yes.

But in terms of performance, I’m going to hazard a guess that out to 50 or 100 meters at least you’d still actually see the other’s ability to receive weak signals from further flung nodes reduced any time one of the others is transmitting. (It’s tricky to test, unless you know exactly when a more distance node is going to transmit such that you can command a gateway to do so at the same time, on the flip side, as long as its not frequent it’s not a frequent detriment)

Normally having them close together wouldn’t make much sense since it would only duplicate coverage. The v2 vs v3 thing, maybe.

But I wouldn’t expect much improvement over having a single gateway somehow free of that particular complexity.

This raises an interesting question. How close, not measured in metres but in dB of isolation.

We are going to see this in installation such high rise building where gateways may be located on each floor and it raises the question will the floor provide sufficient isolation?

A building with concrete floor will be much better than one built from timber.

Equally the AU915 and US915 bands with transmit and receive on different frequencies will work far better than EU868 and AS923 where the gateway transmits back on the same channel as the node.

Interested to know if anyone has reviewed the gateway chip datasheets from this perspective.

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