Heltec V2 Node - Unable to join TTN

Hi everyone! I’m using 2 of the Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2, one as node and the other as gateway.

I have managed to get the gateway connected to TTN, but the node is not able to connect to TTN. Picture below shows that my gateway is receiving some packets from the node, but it does not seem to be join requests.


The guide that I followed is: Single Channel TTN LoRa Gateway and nodes with ESP32 SX1276 - Hackster.io
The frequency that I am using is the US915.

Would really appreciate if anyone could let me know if what I am doing is appropriate. Thank you!

You are trying to use unsuitable hardware for a gateway. This will not work, is not supported and causes issues for other TTN users so please stop and acquire a real gateway.

For further information, search the forum for Single Channel Packet Forwarder or SCPF.

We’ll be happy to assist when you have a gateway.