My Heltec Cubecell AB01 boards work fine on TTN V2 ABP.
Now I want to test one on V3 but the information on the Heltec site is outdated, the instructions describe TTN V2. I also wonder if the example sketch ‘LoRaWan’ is still usable, ABP data is (also) defined and I want to use OTAA as recommended for TTN.
Does anyone have a sample sketch - or link - for the AB01 with TTN V3 and OTAA?
I am having a great deal of difficulty getting devices, Heltec CubeCell HTCC AB01 for example, connected to TTN.
My Gateway (LPS8) is registered and shows activity:
and the CubeCell device I have registered under an Application is attempting to Join as far as I can tell. However, the device is reporting that the Join is failing and the led on the device goes through the sequence Blue, Green, then Red. At no time to I get the device joined.
It’s not, LoRaWAN isn’t easy. Most of LoRaWAN is non-trivial so best reset you expectations of what is easy and what isn’t - dealing with teenagers isn’t easy - LoRaWAN is by comparison - but negotiating with gravity is very easy - you don’t.
You clearly aren’t on ABP as you and the logs talk about joining - so you are on actually using OTAA - a critical difference. Best you learn LoRaWAN basics before you lose days of your life:
Most LoRaWAN implementations aren’t able to cope with the recommended all zeros’ JoinEUI for OTAA for reasons we can’t solve right now - generate a App/JoinEUI here: