I bought a gateway from a distributor and it looked a lot like the model TBMH100 that I’m used to, but in fact comparing the labels it’s a TBMH110. Setting up my TBMH100 was a “claiming” situation, whereas setting up the TBMH110 is a “registering” situation.
I followed the manual as best I could and configured the LoRaWAN settings (for US915) with the LoRa Packet Forwarder configuration (I haven’t tried Basic Station configuration). One noteworthy exception is that I put in for the Server Address (whereas the manual says For channel bandwidth, I selected 500kHz and for channel spread factor I selected SF8 (both these were as pictured in the manual).
I generated API keys that are consistent in privileges to those that were automatically generated for my model TBMH100 unit, but I didn’t see a way anywhere in the TBMH110 Web GUI to put those keys into the configuration of the gateway. When I registered the Gateway in the TTN Console, I used the Gateway ID shown in the TBMH110 LoRaWAN settings of the as the Gateway ID for registration. That ID turns out to be the same as the Gateway EUI on the label, minus the middle “FFFE” and prepended with “0000”.
Then I enabled OTA and punched in my Wi-Fi credentials. The Gateway reset and after some blinking LED behaviors landed on a solid green light, which according to the manual implies “The MiniHub Pro is connected to LNS.” Looking at the TTN Console logs though, I see nothing at all happening there. Whereas my TBMH100 shows regular “Gateway connection statistics” lines coming in, and uplink / downlink traffic when an End Device transmits. So it doesn’t seem like the solid green light is telling the whole story here. What could I be doing wrong?
Browan Minihub Pro - Model TBMH110 - full version string (21) TBMH1109150000EC
Yes, I’ve poured over the manual and tried to comply with its instructions as best as I can, but to no avail thus far.
I’m happy to try setting up Basics Station Mode. Do you know where to get / how to create the requisite files to upload to the Gateway, and how to check the boxes and fill out the form for Basics Station Mode with TTN using
I worked through this with Browan support, to set up the unit for Basics Station Mode. In order to get it to work, I had to:
Generate an API key in TTN Console for the Gateway with the “Link as Gateway to a Gateway Server for traffic exchange, i.e. write uplink and read downlink” permission enabled.
Compose and uploaded a file for the LNS Key to upload into the Gateway - the format of this file is undocumented afaict, and had to be one line like this, where the part after Bearer is the secret that is available at creation time of the API key and X’s are placeholders here:
Set the LNS URI in the gateway to wss:// - again I don’t know how I would have known that this format was required (including the leading wss:// and the trailing :8887
Composed and uploaded a file for the LNS Trust certificate - this was given to me as an email attachment by Browan support.
[…hoping others will find posts to this old thread useful]
I have firmware v1.0.14 and found vicatcu’s post helpful…
I configured my gateway as a LoRa Basics Station, Enable CUPS, setting Type as Regular, I used the CUPS Trust certificate data vicatcu obtained from Browan because the Mozilla pem file failed
In v1.0.14, I am unable to configure LNS params when I Enable CUPS. As far as I can tell, the gateway obtains the LNS params I have configured from the CUPS server (please correct me if wrong)
It’s not clear to me which certificates are required in the “CUPS Trust” and “CUPS CRT” inputs. I have tried using the single server cert @vicatcu posted above, and the multi-cert PEM described in Minimal Certificate List for Common Installations
It looks like you have a version of the product (firmware) that is designed specifically to provision with AWS (Amazon Web Services)… Unfortunately, I don’t know how to do that, or I would help. I would suggest contacting Browan support to see if they can offer a guidance document.