Grafana with Storage Integration

Hi, at this point I’m running my own stack of InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana, however since there is a nice Storage API I’d be curious to use that instead. The querying is rather simple, just values are displayed without any fancy pre-processing within InfluxDB.

Is it possible to link Grafana directly to the Storage API? I’ve seen it’s possible to add plugins to Grafana for different kinds of backends, is anyone working on an integration?

Thanks for all further information.

I suppose it’s possible, but I wouldn’t recommend it.

The storage integration has limited data retention (you can only get data for the last 24 hours from The Things Stack Community Edition), quite strict rate limits (you can only make a few requests per minute) and as you already wrote, limited query capabilities (you can only filter on application/device and time range, no aggregation).

Great thank you for that clarification. I’ll stick to InfluxDB!

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I also intend to connect my own influxDB to store my data and use grafana for visualization purpose. But I intend to add grafana as alerting tool too. I am using the The Thing Stack Cloud (SLA supported), which has 30 days data retention. Kindly assist how to proceed?

It is recommended the those with paid for instances use their support contact for implementation advice - whilst many of us here work commercially, this is not a commercial support channel which can evaluate your needs appropriately.

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