i have a little question if this is possible or not.
I thought about adding GPS with PPS to my Raspberry based Gateway. I know it is not necessary at the moment and Class B is not implemented yet.
On the other hand i thought about converting my Pi into an Stratum 1 NTP source just for the fun of it.
As far as i understand, when the packet forwarder grabs /dev/ttyAMA0 it is no longer accessible by the ntp daemon.
I will connect the GPS breakout with an USB FTDI adapter and want to use /dev/ttyUSB0 for NTP. On the other hand i also want to connect the TX line of the GPS breakout to the RX on GPIO. So the forwarder should access the signal over /dev/ttyAMA0.
The same was planned for the PPS signal. On connection to the iC880A and on to the GPIO header.
Should this work or am I missing something?
THX for the help.