Go SDK - discovery server is an address that does not resolve


I am trying to set up an application using the Go SDK, but have fallen at the first hurdle. Trying to connect to discovery.thethings.network just hangs. Tried pinging it, can’t resolve. Did dig, found there is no DNS record.

I went to raise an issue on Github, but the project has been archived, so not possible.

Can someone tell me what the status of the SDK is? Are the links to an obsolete version?


Matthew Smith

Is it the one that states “ The Things Network V2 Application SDK for Go “ in the About information? (Top right)

V3 no longer supports this.

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Ah, yes it is. Is there no V3 version?

If not, I guess I will have to use the HTTP API, CLI being out, as this is going to be running as an AWS Lambda function, where the SDK would have been ideal.

Afaik there is no V3 version. You’ll need to use the API.

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