Thank you, I just found a page explaining it!
On any other setting other than DR0 the client log shows “JOIN_NOT_ACCEPT” and it keeps sending join requests.
Anyone got an idea what could be wrong? Maybe a setting is missing and TTN does not accept it?
I see a join accept in the GW console though:
Did you manage to get this resolved? Having the same issue here.
new record ! first post in 4 years …
can you describe your issue
I have a Globalsat LS-112 which I’ve tried to connect. I’ll share my experiences.
Was able to connect using ABP. You’ll need the AT command set: AAT2 NwkSKey=?, AAT2 AppSKey=?, AAT2 DevAddr=?, AAT2 DevEui=? to extract the values set in the firmware. There are default values for these but depending on where you bought the device, it may not be set to the default.
Part of the problem you’ll have when connecting Globalsat devices to “The Things Network” is that some of Globalsat’s hardware appears to be hardwired to communicate using Sub-Band 1 (902.3 - 903.7 MHz). The Things Network expects to communicate using Sub-Band 2 (903.9 - 905.3).
I could find no AT COMMAND in of the reference documents found using Google which mentions how to change the Sub-Band on this device.
Using the AT command: “AAT2 Tx_Channel=8,903900000,30,1,0” was able to transmit on channel 8 but after the transmission the “…1,0” gets changed to “…0,0” and the device won’t using the channel again unless the “AAT2…” command is executed again, and again, etc. It is the second to the end digit being a 1 which allows the device to use that channel. I did preform “ATT1 Save” & “ATT1 Reset” after changing the 0 to a 1. The ‘1’ only persists until the first transmission, after that the ‘1’ changes back to a ‘0’, the channels stops being used.
Unless either the secret AT command for changing the Sub-Band to #2 or The Things Network changes their entire network to used Sub-Band #1. There is no way to guarantee Globalsat can be configured to work the way you want.
I’ve includes the AT commands used to change the board to use Sub-Band 2 and turn off Sub-Band 1, To save you the time in working out the details.
This change only worked for 8 transmissions. After the 8, the 1 in the second to last field were switched back to 0 by the device.
Good luck.
AAT2 Tx_Channel=8,903900000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=9,904100000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=10,904300000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=11,904500000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=12,904700000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=13,904900000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=14,905100000,30,1,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=15,905300000,30,1,0
AAT1 Save
AAT1 Reset
AAT2 Tx_Channel8=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel9=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel10=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel11=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel12=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel13=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel14=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel15=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel=0,902300000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=1,902500000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=2,902700000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=3,902900000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=4,903100000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=5,903300000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=6,903500000,30,0,0
AAT2 Tx_Channel=7,903700000,30,0,0
AAT1 Save
AAT1 Reset
AAT2 Tx_Channel0=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel1=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel2=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel3=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel4=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel5=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel6=?
AAT2 Tx_Channel7=?