Get an acknowledgement from The Things Network

I am not getting an acknowledgement from The Things Network and I do not know where to start.
I am getting an acknowledgement when I send the data from the LoRa node (Adafruit Radio Bonnet 915MHz) to the LoRa gateway (The Things Indoor Gateway 915MHz) as shown on the first image. The second image shows the Things Network display the data that it received from the LoRa gateway. The next few image shows the spreading factor, bandwidth, time-stamp, as well as frequency and trace.





You are not getting an acknowledgement to what? What are you trying to achieve?

BTW, don’t post pictures of text content. Copy and paste the text (and format it as code block)

I am trying to get an acknowledgement from The Things Network to the LoRa node.

Do you are sending an confirmed uplink? And the packet counter for the uplink is 0 when TTN sends a downlink with counter 81? Seems to me you are using ABP and not managing the counters correctly. Your node is class A as that is the only one supported by TTN at the moment, so you can never have a downlink counter that exceeds the uplink counter because TTN only responds with a downlink after a valid (new) uplink. So counters can match, but downlink should never exceed uplink.

Have you disabled counter checks in the console? If so, reenable them and use the reset counter button every time you reset the node. Disabling counter checks will not work if you want to use downlinks.

BTW, keep in mind you are allowed max 10 downlinks (including acknowledgements) a day on TTN.

Based on what I am seeing in the data section of my application, it looks like my device is being sent confirmations from TTN. My primary question now is: do you know of any code examples that send an uplink to TTN and then wait for and receive confirmation? For my test code, it is convenient to know on my device if the message was received.

Any examples depend on the LoRaWAN stack being used on your device. Some stacks do not return from the send function before an acknowledgement has been received when it is requested when sending. Other stacks might behave differently. Check the documentation for the LoRaWAN stack your node is using.