Gateways offline


we have some gateways that are often offline. Some days it works and some days are longer offline.
On console we can see anything like:
Last Seen 20 hours ago
Last Seen 22 hours ago
sometimes it works a few days and on other days the devices are offline for more days.

We have as uplink a VPN on all devices and they have the same public IPv4 address (NAT) and a smaller MTU (most 1412bytes). I am not sure if it is because I suspect the error somewhere there.

As device we use Raspberry Pi with ic880a-spi, mikrotik and ttig, all devices have the same probleme

Here some Gateway IDs with the problem:

anyone any ideas what i can do? On the ttnmapper, the devices are often offline too.

On a self hostet chirpstack, the gateways works fine (i use ipv6 here).

I hope someone has an idea here.


Are the gateways forwarding data even if listed offline? If that is the case you might want to take the second message at the status page into account…

No i get no data from nodes if the gateway is offline