The server software on v2 that reports status has suffered bit-rot, is end-of-life and is not reliably reporting status of any gateways, least of all the TTIG which goes in to a quasi-sleep if it has no traffic after a while.
Please do not ask about your TTIG (or any other gateway) not showing its status in the v2 console - it will not be resolved.
TTI are anticipating providing the mechanism to migrate TTIG’s to v3 in the next month - see: Migration of TTIGs to The Things Stack CE (v3)
Please do not ask about your TTIG not showing traffic/status or anything else on v3 in the mean while. You’ve done it too soon.
Do NOT delete your TTIG or anything else, any gateway, application, device, collaborator, anything, on v2 - generally there is no requirement to do so - but particularly do not delete a gateway, it’s irreversible and you can’t go back if you need to.