Gateway not connecting to private TTN V3

Hello, I need some help with a connection problem I suppose.

I registered a gateway on the server but always appears Disconnected and I don’t find the solution.
I get this error In the console :
" WARN Failed to connect error=error:pkg/gatewayserver:no_fallback_frequency_plan (gateway eui-a8-------------- is not registered and no fallback frequency plan defined) gateway_eui=A8-------------- gateway_uid=eui-a8-------------- namespace=gatewayserver/io/udp
Sorry in advance if it was already discussed.

Not really a gateway not connecting, more an error in the console with registering a gateway?

Although keeping the gateway model secret doesn’t help.

Is your ‘private’ instance a Open Source or a paid for one? What version of stack?

Thank you for the reply
The model number is Dragino "LG02/OLG02’ latest firmware “lgw-5.4.1618196981”
I know that is not fully Lorawan compliant because of the lack of adequate concentrator that’s why I want to use it privately, mostly just for Uplink, it’s Open Source.
Just for curiosity, I registered the gateway on V2 TTN where is connecting with no problems after I tried the same thing on V3 TTN Stack of course after deleting it but just like on my private TTN remains disconnected.

I trust you have now removed it from v2.

You haven’t answered one of the questions, please do as it is critical to moving this forward.

The gateway is removed now from everywhere I didn’t plan to use it on TTN V2 or V3 public.
also, I live in an area where are really no other gateways in moreover 100km. I thought that if I use a private network it will not damage the community. even if it not near me.

No matter, we work on the basis that no one can be 100% sure.

^ still this

The version of the Stack is 3.13.0

Are you sure, the latest release on GitHub is 3.12.3 …

Look at the footer, bottom right.

that’s what I get in the browser

If you are pulling the GitHub work in progress then anything that breaks is something you inflicted on yourself.

If you want a known good baseline, then use a release - I use Docker so it can automagically update, I’ve not tried using a downloaded from a zip archive install.

But I definitely know that the live repro is very definitely a moving target.

Thank you for your time
I will try a docker version
One thing I still not understand the fact that even on the public V3 Stack appears always Disconnected just as on the private one.

How do you know that? Unless you know no one else lives or works or hasnt been able to install a GW within 100km of your location? (Sadly, but understandaby) there is an option when regeistering a GW either on V2 or V3 of TTN to declare a GW public or not. If not shown as public you will never know if there (unless digging into device metadata, and even that will not show location only fact of message reception). It’s better for community if GW’s are open and declared public, but can usnderstand why some users choose not to do that (they still pass traffic just fine). They do not show up on the maps if not public, also V3 GW’s do not yet show on the map either… an update is pending to alow that in some form.

Given these crippled (from LoRaWAN perspective) devices are not supported we will not be helping you to debug that issue, but we will all chip in once you have a full 8-channel LoRaWAN unit ready to go :slight_smile: