Gateway Last Seen in the future

I am using a Laird Sentrius RG191 gateway and TTN. When I look at the gateway overview in the TTN console I see that the gateway was last seen 18 seconds into the future. The “Last Seen” field of the dashboard counts counts up from “now” to “11 seconds ago” then counts down from “in 18 seconds” to “in 1 seconds” then repeats. This problem seems to be isolated to the gateway and TTN. I have two of the RG191 gateways and both are exhibiting the same behavior even with no end devices connected.

I noticed this problem because this has caused issues with communication with end-nodes in that the downlink message from the server has a timestamp that is prior to the uplink message timestamp in the TTN Application Data readout.

This problem seems to be recent. I have had this system online and working fine as of a couple weeks ago.


Sounds like maybe something is looking at a bad NTP server for its time reference.
Can you figure out what time the gateways think it is, in order to rule out an issue there?