Gateway is never seen in apllication and device can't join

Hi guys.

I am facing a weird problem with Lora. I am using a RHF76-052 with a coil tuned to operate between 900 to 930. As soon as I assembled the boards I setup the network with euro frequencies plan and using an ttn-handler-euro, in that cofiguration all set works but in a very weak signal level, however I could join to application and the packets were sending well. Because of my coil constrains, and the fact the here in Brasil I must use Australia frequency plan, I moved all frequency plan to that. I setup the gateway and changed the server address to meshed-router. Since I moded I have never got joined again, there’s traffic from device to gateway, the application is able to see the device, but I can’t join. The gateway in application status is “never seen” and I don’t know how to figure it out this. Can you please help me?