Hello All!
Fascinated by the community and the possibilities of lorawan I put a puplic TTN gateway into operation a week ago (Raspi with IMST and outdour antenna). The first days I saw only my own test devices in the gatway traffic logs but since yesterday the gateway is flodded with packets.
Every 6 seconds there is a packet from the same device id with a network id 0x0b (Network: EveryNet, Region: Russia) with spreding factor of 12 and a bandwidth of 125, coding_rate “4/5”. The device randomly sends at 686.1 , 686.3 and 686.5 MHz. Payload is 27 bytes and air time about 1650ms. rssi is about -105, and snr about 7.5.
Does anyone have any idea what kind of device this can be?
Does the id speak for a russian device? (I have some Russian neighbors)
What would you do here, after all, it’s far outside the 1% duty cycle limit.
No the signal don’t come from your neighbours because SF12 / RSSI -105 / airtime indicates that’s it’s travelling a distance… maybe even 10 km or more.
maybe you can make a screenshot from your TTN console showing such a packet with all metadata
Definitely not a TTN registered device, The Things Network Foundation has a 7-bit device address prefix from the LoRa Alliance. This means that all TTN device addresses will start with 0x26 or 0x27.
The 0x16/0x17 prefix seems to be Russia: EveryNet (0x0b)