Gateway is active, but not shown on community map

Our gateway is receiving data without any interruption, and is shown on the owner’s page,

user page

However, the community page at shows 0 gateways:

community page

But the gateway was showing on the map for a few hours yesterday.

Following is the latest screen capture of the gateway traffic.
TTN Console

I see it live on your community page now it can take a while…

Note the data behind the overall map and the indivdual communities appears to be ‘scrapped’ and processed for display on a time interval and isnt live data, typically I see new GW’s taking anywhere from 30 mins to >12 hrs to get captured and displayed. Also I believe the underlying data is linked to the TTN Console which itself can prove unreliable with GW’s occationally showing offline of disappearing from display but still continuing to pass traffic just fine. If your GW is ‘offline’ at that time the data scrape happens that may mean it disappears from the map or may not appear unitil the next time the data is captured…inconvenient but nothing to get to stressed over (I must keep telling myself its nothing to get stressed over…I must keep telling myself its nothing to get too stressed over…I must…) :slight_smile:

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Hi, missing here from a lot of time.
I know it’s an old topic, but I am having the same problem: I have two gateways in Udine, Italy, active and running well since a lot of time, and not shown in the map. Both have public location. Another one - the least important - is indeed visible.

I’ve also notice gw’s not appearing/slow to appear on TTN community page maps over last month or two. Do yours (still) show on the main TTN map if you zoom in as needed to show local detail:

and/or do they show if you zoom in on TTNMapper?

Thanks for the quick answer. I am not on the TTN map, but I am in TTNmapper.

I know this is an old topic, but I still have no answer to this question (I posted it some time ago during the summer).

My GW has been offline for quite a while after relocation, however its has been online now for months and still does not appear on our community page (TTN Rivierenland).

On TTNMapper and the main TTN map it is visible and the status is active in the console as well.

Is there something I can do to make it appear on the community page again?

Is the gateway within range of the community? The community core team members can set/change the range for the community.

As Jac mentions key to it being on specific TTN Community map is if placed within the radius set for that Community. Default is usually 10km rad but has varied over the years and as Jac mentions the Initiator or Core team members (where they have access to the community dashboard) are able to adjust in the Community settings, along with setting the initial display ‘zoom’ level for the map. If outside it simply doesnt show :frowning: Though it will show on the full TTN Map if you zoom in appropriately. (Can you see it there?) If on the main map then suggest you contact the Community initiator(*) and ask if your GW in range or if, if close enough to be viable, they can increment radius to capture your GW location. I typically see set value from 5km upwards, and for those I run I typically range from 8km (where overlapping with other nearby Communities) out to around 15km. There is no practical limit however and as the only shape allowed is circular where I need to e.g. cover an elongated region such as a river valley and its asociated adjacent high ground as an ‘oval’ or similar shape isnt practical I stretch out to 20 even 25km to ensure use case coverage. I know some Communities attempt to cover regions/counties rather than specific town/cities and their co-ordinators/initiators have gone to >>50km radius. I suspect e.g. London Uk has been set at 65km or greater (likely to capture the whole area inside the M25 orbital motorway and commuter towns) and it thereby overlaps with several other communities surrounding it. I saw one region in NL (south of where Jac lives) a few years back where they were regional and similar in size if not bigger, and on - in NZ IIRC - that was >150km!

(*) depnding how old community is or how engage the initiator you might fin its is ‘abandoned’ and lo longer being updated, in which case come back and flag here if no response after several days (week?) or contact TTI core to highlight. I had one deployed on UK south coast summer 2023 which didnt show, contact with initaor revealed he had moved on years earlier - going abroad - but though he had dutifully passed on role to other contacts they too had moved on to other things and were no longer engaged… I asked TTI if I could take over and have since extended/adjusted coverage to look at adjacent area use cases, added GW, with more planned, and started mapping coverage… you might need to do similar :wink: Sadly I know a few community leaders were lost around the world to Covid, or other ailments and not everyone had a back-up nominee, and this info emerges over time, so some may well be leaderless… we need active communities and members.

UPDATE: Just looked at the TTN Community (Rivierenland) and see you are already one of the core team! Do you have dashboard access? Can you contact Rob and ask him to check if covered? (What is GW ID/Where located?)… when registering GW did you select/leave selected option to show on Map/Make public?