Gateway Id taken - how to cliam it

I had gateway installed in TTN V2 now it got transferred to V3 , i am trying to add the same gateway after deleting it , it says id already taken , how can i claim my ID , i tried claim but it is not working , can any one help

The gateway ID is unique and can not be recovered after deletion. However it is just a ‘random’ string you can make up yourself. The thing that needs to match (for Semtech UDP packet forwarders) with the gateway is the EUI.

I am using ug85 milesight gateway i think the device id is fixed

It may well be - but it’s got NOTHING to do with the Gateway ID on TTS which is a string that YOU make up to identify the server.

The gateway id you see may well be a sequence of hex digits that is in fact the gateway EUI, which you enter in the EUI box.

But for the id, as a temporary measure, you can use “rtfm99” as an ID in the TTS console. Or something more meaningful to you that’s not already been used.

Ok great noted, i will try with different id and original eui hope it will work
Thanks for your quick response