I am a newbie on LoRa TTN.
I am trying to register an indoor gateway.
I connected it to my WiFi network and the green LED is constantly lit.
But when trying to register it on TTN I get an error message
Claim gateway
Submit failed
Gateway EUI 58A0CBFFFEXXXXXX is not registered
What am I supposed to do?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Hi @descartes Nick,
can you please help and share the link to the documentation how to claim the module?
Or a step-by-step guide for a newbie?
Thanks in advance
I am trying to connect a The Things Indoor Gateway.
Accoring to the documentation I need to run command line with CLI?
It appears to be far too complicated for a TTN starter.
Is there an easy way to proceed?
I entered the first three alpha-numerical pairs of the EUI then FF.FE and then the remaining three pairs of the EUI.
For the claim authentication code I entered the WiFi password printed on The Things Indoor Gatway.
The EUI will already be of a form you can/should use - where are you being told to do the FF:FE padding?
IME EUI will typically be of the form 58A0C… and will most often be shown under a QR code on device lable. Alternatively put the TTIG into config mode → access its WiFi AP → log into its Web GUI ( and look near bottom of the page - the EUI is shown there - simply copy and paste into Console claim page so no mistakes or fat-finger issues putting correct data in, reboot TTIG to get it back on line in normal mode…also double double check you have typed the WiFi code (aka Claim code) in correctly - its easy to swap or mis-identify characters…I find using mobile phone to take picture of label then zoom in helps my tired eyes!
Yes. I typed in FFFE.
But in the entry form it looks like as if it were devided into eight pairs.
I also did the photo and enlarged it to unmistakenly read the correct code - as my eyes are probably as tired as yours
Still no luck.
That’s just how it displays it - you just type in the info, nothing more, nothing less.
But now you are on claiming, you will be getting a different set of error messages - so to be able to help further, we’ll need to see what you are seeing.