Gateway can't connect to the server

Two months ago, both of my gateways could connect to the server.
Today I tried to connect to the server and found that both gateways were disconnected.

My address is in China.

Great (Fire)Wall of China issue?

Not much we can do without details… no one here has a crystal ball(s), through rumour is some of the Mods and TTI Core staff have ones made of steel!, or (to the best of my knowledge) telepathic capabilities!

All we know is you have a GW (of unknown type) that you have conveniently (for your own use) called test and which you might be trying to connect to the AU instance… what else might we need do you think?


  1. Make and model
  2. firmware version
  3. PF type
  4. Set-up/registration info (which TTN instance was it registered to?)
  5. ID and GW EUI are public domain info and so no point hiding…indeed essential for anyone to look at status!
  6. How connected (Enet, WiFi, Cellular)
  7. Backhaul method
  8. …will leave rest to your imagination and investigation

…please come back when you have details you can share so we might help :slight_smile: