To whom this may concern,
Recently i’ve been having trouble connecting a gateway to TTN, naturally, I had the instinct to delete and re-add the gateway to TTN to see if that assisted the issue. It did not.
Have recieved the following error:
"code": 6,
"message": "error:pkg/util/store:id_taken (ID already taken, choose a different one and try again)",
"details": [
"@type": "",
"namespace": "pkg/util/store",
"name": "id_taken",
"message_format": "ID already taken, choose a different one and try again",
"correlation_id": "6cc0a7c3eb514b5696bebb12f7ad9e36",
"cause": {
"namespace": "pkg/util/store",
"name": "already_exists",
"message_format": "already exists",
"correlation_id": "ad2afbc94d304dbfb9cde79e4dbd069d",
"code": 6
"code": 6
Note: I have tried to use different gateway ID’s (123, 1234, abc), yet no luck adding it back.
There is one user under this organisation, which is me, yet I can’t see any options to either purge or release the gateway EUI from the TTN so I can add it back again. Is it possible for the back-end team to remove the gateway
Gateway EUI: 24E124FFFEF05F74.
I have searched the existing threads, yet the solutions there to this problem have not helped.
Will McLennan