Frequency band

Hi! I’m from Uzbekistan. How can I choose a band, there are no frequency bands(Uzbekistan) on the list when I add a gateway? Can I choose any of them with 868band?

You shouldn’t do that without asking your national telecommunications authority. They should know, which frequencies can be used for ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medicine) purposes. And they should know the conditions to use this frequencies.

Recommendation is start with the LoRa-Alliance latest RP’s. version RP002-1.0.1 from early 2020 calls out the EU433 band as option, havent looked to see if anything changed or added since. As stated always double check local regs, though L-A wont list until they a local agreement the authorties - the TTN documentation dating back to old V2 version used this (L-A RP) as its reference, but hasnt been updated to reflect the 2020 update for RP2 and still shows Uzbekistan as a blank field.


Here is a set of documents from the Uzbek Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications regarding the use of spectrum in the country for LPWAN standards. I can’t read Uzbek, but I can see from the titles that there is one document specifically about LoRa. Hopefully the information you require can be found somewhere in there.