Freertos_lorawan app doesn't appear to work for US915


I am still debugging this, but it appears that the RX_delays for the freertos_lorawan app aren’t correctly set.

No matter what I define them as in the RegionUS915.h file, they keep showing up with the same values in the log.

The cloud console DOES show that the backend accepts the join.

Any suggestions are welcome. In the mean time, stay tuned for an update.



 *********> Running GNSE freertos_lorawan app <******** 

 *********> Compiled on: 09:28:40 , Nov  9 2021 <******** 
0 0 [LoRaWanClassA] 
 ###### ===== FreeRTOS Class A LoRaWAN application ==== ###### 
1 42 [LoRaWanClassA] 
 Initiating OTAA join procedure.
TX on freq 903700000 Hz at DR 0
MAC txDone
MAC txDone
--EH RX_1 delay is 53
RX_1 on freq 927500000 Hz at DR 10
MAC rxTimeOut
--EH RX_2 delay is 17
RX_2 on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
MAC rxTimeOut
2 6549 [LoRaMac] 
 MLME CONFIRM  status: Rx 2 timeout
3 6554 [LoRaWanClassA] 
 Failed to join loRaWAN network with status 4.
4 6561 [LoRaWanClassA] 
 Retrying join attempt after 1 seconds.
TX on freq 904900000 Hz at DR 0
MAC txDone
MAC txDone
RX_1 delay is 53
RX_1 on freq 926300000 Hz at DR 10
MAC rxTimeOut
RX_2 delay is 17
RX_2 on freq 923300000 Hz at DR 8
MAC rxTimeOut
5 14933 [LoRaMac] 
 MLME CONFIRM  status: Rx 2 timeout
 "name": "js.join.accept",
  "time": "2021-11-09T14:51:47.571565774Z",
  "identifiers": [
      "device_ids": {
        "device_id": "seecago-gnse-bct01",
        "application_ids": {
          "application_id": "seecago-sensor-demo-v3"

You are using OTAA, so local configuration attempts should have no effect.

The timing of RX windows for a join is mandated by the LoRaWAN spec. The timing for windows in the subsequent joined session is configured by the server when you join.

Ah yes, of course. I forgot about that. Thanks for pointing it out.

I also forgot to mention that the ‘regular’ lorawan examples work just fine. So it must have something to do with freertos environment or settings. I’ll continue to plug away with it, time permitting.

