I have a Dragino LGT-92 LI EU868. It had the 1.5.3 firmware version and I managed to connect it to the TTN and all worked very well. Today I’ve wanted to change the firmware to a new version, the newest one 1.6.7 (and later 1.6.4) but the connection to TTN works no more.
This is what I see on the Serial log:
[8153]***** UpLinkCounter= 0 *****
[8552]TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 5
[13608]RX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 5
[14614]RX on freq 869525000 Hz at DR 3
Rather than flagging your own post without explanation, why not mark it as solved, and to help others that may have a similar problem, say what the solution was - which is how this forum works.
I’ve managed to solve this. After I got closer to the gateway I could have seen a join request in its Live data but no response. Then I read again the Dragino’s changelog and I saw that starting from 1.6.5 the default authentification mod was changed to OTAA. My node was registered with ABP. I’ve changed AT+NJM from 1 to 0 and it works well now.