F8L10D no join

dear sir, im new here and apperantly i cant create a new topic. so i ask my question here in this topic. i create an application in the things stack and i register a F8L10D lorawan terminal but the terminal doesnt join or connect to the network. should i something more? shall i register a gateway as well?

F8L10D not to be found via forum search so free pass on the thread hijack and I’ve moved it to a new topic.

But there is a substantial amount of missing detail - like a link to the product and how you can tell it doesn’t join - is this in the serial debug.

You need to be near a gateway for the radio waves from the device to be heard, preferably your own so you can see the console to see what’s happening. How near is a very variable number, so it’s so much easier to have your own - like a TTIG.

thanks for your fast replay.
i didnt understand exactly about the the thread hijack.
and bout my problem, here is the link to the product:

unfortunately there is no info in the user manual about the lorawan version and the regional parameters so i just choose them by my guts.
and for the not joining part i send a screen shot for more details.

in the session information part, it says this device has not joined the network yet.

Do you have a gateway?

no. it seems like that this terminal would find a near lorawan gateway and send the data itself, so there is no need to register a new gateway in the things stack. all i do was register the device itself.

It won’t find anything - if there is a TTN community gateway that hears it, you are in luck, if not, you need to get your own gateway. Most developers have a gateway for debugging.

Did you check the gateway maps to see if there is anything nearby?

no sir. i will check and keep you updated about it.
thanks again for your guidance

how much near it should be approximately?

Depends on line of sight and obstructions.

Just get one of your own.

dear sir, finally i managed to set up my own gateway. im using F8926-GW. my gateway is connected and the F8L10T terminal is connected too in the end devices and has a session.
my new problem is that i dont recieve the data from the sensors which are connected to the F8L10T terminal. all i recieve is FE as payload. i attach some screen shots to give you more information.

and the image of gateway:

You are massively breaching the TTN community Fair Use Policy.

Have you read the manuals or downloaded the configuration software?

Suspending thread until you have confirmed you are complying with the FUP, that’s if TTI support don’t suspend your account first.

Please change the uplink interval immediately to comply with TTN fair use policy and legal requirements. You are sending far too often.

Your node is using SF12 which takes seconds to send a minimal amount of information and the RSSI and SNR allow for better settings, probably SF7 where it takes 1/32th of the time to send the same amount of data.

yes sir. thanks for your guidance