Exposing stored sensor readings as open data: anyone using the SensorThing API?

This is unrelated to LoRaWAN or TTN, but is about making sensor readings from some database available as open data.

The use case is that someone wants to know which air quality sensors are in some area, and can then get their current and historical readings. It seems the SensorThings API is nice for this. From Wikipedia:

SensorThings API is an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) candidate standard providing an open and unified framework to interconnect IoT sensing devices, data, and applications over the Web. […] As an OGC standard, SensorThings API also allows easy integration into existing Spatial Data Infrastructures or Geographic Information Systems.

Has anyone used this?

(This is a RESTful and JSON-based standard providing functions similar to the 10-year old OGC Sensor Observation Service, but I’ve not used that either.)


We are using it for our LoRaWAN application we are building in Calgary. SensorThings API is a new standard but I expect to see very quick adoption. I know there are four to five different groups around the world implementing SensorThings API server at the moment. If you are interested in using it, contact SensorUp (info@sensorup.com). SensorUp has the most complete and mature implementation of the SensorThings API at the moment. You can try this interactive tutorial: http://pg.sensorup.com

In fact I am the editor of the OGC SensorThings API. If you have any question, let me know.

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One of our suppliers, Geodan, is developing a Go-based open source version, which we soon will be using in a project for the municipality of Haarlem. Nice: GitHub - gost/server: GOST - Go implementation of OGC SensorThings API

GOST (Go-SensorThings) is a sensor server written in Go. It implements the OGC SensorThings API standard.

I’ll report back in a few months.

Any news? We are using the SensorThings API (STA) with GOST in the Smart Emission project: http://data.smartemission.nl . Not yet with LoRA/TTN but since STA also supports MQTT, an integration with TTN wouldn’t be too hard.
btw GOST now has its own organization on GH: https://github.com/gost .

Nope, the project for the municipality of Haarlem ended without anything having been delivered… :frowning: GOST still looks nice though, but we’ve never used it, and we currently have no sensors deployed.

Ok, I see. “Haarlem” may want to inquire with municipality Nijmegen, how to setup a sensor network (with open source and STA/GOST). I can refer to people there if you/they want.