Descartes at github has provided 3 TTNStack Integration Starters for data-output from TTN.
Quite useful, but those scripts generally provide an output related to the technical aspects of TTN’s communication.
For ‘data application’ it seems useful that (also) a separate output file is provided containing the decoded payload.
For the scripts supporting DataStorage and Webhooks that might e.g. look like:
selectable path for filing
filetype txt or json
a file with a selectable standard filename, as a consequence being overwritten by subsequently upcoming versions. Why ‘standard’ name? => Ease of subsequent processing.
considering that LoraWAN may have significant latency, aiming at processing for data-validity preferably including a timestamp related to datasource, if possible as epoch-value
Setup of a script-variation producing such file might be a good exercise for those people trying to learn the application of TTN, but probably less errorprone & quicker (and hence reducing headaches & questions) if the originator of the scripts adds this function to the scripts. He best knows the ins & outs.
If we extend this argument, it would really only make sense for a handful of people on here to do anything at all - the rest would throw all kinds of questions and feature requests and make us look like puppets.
To be honest: so far, I’ve only seen you raise questions and somewhat snarky remarks without bringing anything to the table. All of us here are volunteers doing this for a hobby and because they believe there’s value for all of us to be gained. I’ve been building “Meet je leefomgeving” because I want to teach my students more than the basic lessons, I’ve built RadioLib’s LW stack because I want to help people worldwide. Neither of those have come with money - heck, I’ve even been postponing the products that I actually want to sell for over half a year because of those projects. But I (and the others) cannot afford to keep on giving. I need money to be able to afford a house. (I’m not asking for money here, rather explaining the situation.)
Now if you were to ask questions on how to do it yourself, we can help with that. And if done on a public forum, we won’t just help you, but it provides “collateral learning” for all others that end up here. So that’s a pretty good investment I’d say.
While I understand that it’s somewhat logical to say that an author may do it faster, I can promise you that we already do maximum efforts here. So please, DIY!
Someone in the Meteo community has to get a good handle on TTN - to be able to translate the questions from end users in to something in the context of LoRaWAN. Pretty much everyone on here that does LW already does it for their ‘thing’ so you’re not going to get any volunteers anytime soon.
They are generic scripts as a known good starting point for people to extend - getting them over the initial hump - and were purposely written to the level of an engaged 16 year old doing Computer Science - they’d need to learn about JSON (& MQTT if they use that one) - but it’s about as self-explanatory as I could make it. The Data Storage & MQTT in Python (sooooooo many resources on the net for this language) runs on your desktop/laptop computer so you can just try stuff out.
If I was so inclined to making alterations, we’d need to have a separate repro as I’ve absolutely no doubt that it would rapidly become specific to the Bresser setup.
My ‘thing’ is facilitation, empowerment & making stuff accessible. Build your own PWS from laser cut parts so schools can have an affordable setup, yes, interface with ANO box, not so much.