Existance of LR-FHSS

Hi Everyone!

I am curious about LR-FHSS. Does anybody has experience on that?
As far as I know, it should be fully supported by SX1261/SX1262 chips, which are publicly available.
It seems to me that RP2-1.0.2 LoRaWAN® Regional Parameters - LoRa Alliance® already published on Oct’2020 defines it.

However, I cannot find any real implementation of LR-FHSS out there. The SX126x Datasheet does not even mention LR-FHSS.

Regarding the gateways, I have similar impressions. It has been said that only a “firmware update” would suffice to make SX1302 LR-FHSS capable.

Any cue on this regarding is more than welcomed.

With best regards

Forum search throws up 4 recent discussions which you may find useful - including TTS now supporting it!

Dear Descartes,

Thank you for your prompt response. I would love to read those recent discussions. Unfortunately, searching for https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/search?q=lr-fhss does not show them to me. I might be searching wrong.

That link shows 5 results for me. How many results do you get?

I got 5 results, including this thread.
I have to admit I missed the last one: TTS(CE) aka TTN V3 Scheduled Maintenance - Monday July 26th 2021 because I searched on Friday and published my question today (without checking again).
However, there is no answer to my questions about the implementation of LR-FHSS on any device/gateway. Or is there?
Thank you again for your messages

I only said they may be useful as I was aware of recent discussions!

Obviously it will be easier for people to use now that it’s supported on TTS so more ideas may come in over the next few days.

Well… I didn’t think it worths mentioning I had already checked the forum searching for an answer. Also searching on the web. That’s is something I normally do before asking. But it might not be the case for everyone. Thank you for your suggestions.

Even if more people find tempted to give LR-FHSS a try since it is now supported by TTS, I imagine they would face same questions I already have about real implementation or support. The fact of LR-FHSS is not mentioned on SX126x datasheet makes me wonder about the feasibility of a real implementation.

It is not mentioned on the datasheet because the standard is only being done now, but the basis for the modulation is supported by the SX126x in TX.

Dear @Clams ,

Thank you for your clarification.

With best regards


I believe one of the use cases this is being looked at for is Space Based LoRaWAN - where there are just a few players and it’s as yet an emerging use case/technical implementation with standards developing rapidly so not yet manstream I feel…


Do you know how to enable LR-FHSS in TTN? Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
