Errors while decoding

Hi. I’m having some issues with the encoding/decoding of the downlink file for one of my sensors. It’s the Tektelic PIR Smart Room Sensor.
I’ve got it set to use the Repository as a payload formatter for both uplink and downlink, which from what I understand should use the code here ( lorawan-devices/vendor/tektelic at master · TheThingsNetwork/lorawan-devices · GitHub ) but I still seem to get errora with it.
As you can see here, I can read the information, but there’s associated errors with it. The messages associated is as follows:
I’d appreciate some assistance with this, thanks. If it turns out that these don’t work, I’d appreciate being pointed in the right direction. It would be nice to be able to test some of the features of this smart sensor that for some reason are disabled via default, such as the PIR.