Error on Purging a Gateway

I researched in this forum and online but can’t seem to find a solution for the following problem: TTN CLI throws an error (or to be exact a warning on which it halts) on purging a gateway.

WARN	Finished unary call	{"duration": 0.0479, "error": "error:pkg/identityserver:admins_purge_gateways (gateways may only be purged by admins)", "error_correlation_id": "XYZ", "error_name": "admins_purge_gateways", "error_namespace": "pkg/identityserver", "grpc.method": "Purge", "grpc.service": "ttn.lorawan.v3.GatewayRegistry", "grpc_code": "PermissionDenied", "namespace": "grpc", "request_id": "XYZ"}
error:pkg/identityserver:admins_purge_gateways (gateways may only be purged by admins)

I have all rights on the organisation the gateway was related to. Which access rights/ admin role is meant here? Also an API key of mine was used to delete the Gateway.

Apparently this functionality is reserved for the account creator, as he was able to purge it now.

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