I researched in this forum and online but can’t seem to find a solution for the following problem: TTN CLI throws an error (or to be exact a warning on which it halts) on purging a gateway.
WARN Finished unary call {"duration": 0.0479, "error": "error:pkg/identityserver:admins_purge_gateways (gateways may only be purged by admins)", "error_correlation_id": "XYZ", "error_name": "admins_purge_gateways", "error_namespace": "pkg/identityserver", "grpc.method": "Purge", "grpc.service": "ttn.lorawan.v3.GatewayRegistry", "grpc_code": "PermissionDenied", "namespace": "grpc", "request_id": "XYZ"}
error:pkg/identityserver:admins_purge_gateways (gateways may only be purged by admins)
I have all rights on the organisation the gateway was related to. Which access rights/ admin role is meant here? Also an API key of mine was used to delete the Gateway.