Error in LoRa Gateway: failed to start the concentrator


I am running a Semtech basic packet forwarder on RPI3 + RisingHF LoRa Gateway module.

After I reset the gateway, I run the packet forwarder and this error is displayed:

ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

After I couple of consecutive tries of running the packet forwarder, it works.

What is the cause and solution of this issue?

Best regards

Checking the correct RPi pin assignment for the concentrator card is usually 1st stop - often 5, 17 or 25 depending on iMST or Rak based build - dont know which is correct for RisingHF module as haven’t used one myself - should be called out in the documentation - be sure not to mix physical pin with Broadcom logical pin - and may be juggled by any interposer card (again check docs) if not hard wired directly (not recommended due to interference pick up on flying leads ;-). Check setting in startup script. Also may make sense to limit/constrain SPI clock by setting @ 250 (GIYF) if not already done…good luck!


Search the forum. This is not a new issue and it has been answered multiple times.
(Or thank Jeff-UK for providing you a short cut to the answers)

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I really appreciate your respond

Regarding SPI clock, can you show me how to set to 250? I have doubts that it’s the problem.

Note: the gateway is working 100% after multiple tries of starting the packet forwarder.

Best regards.

I already searched, and did not get the answer that solve my issue.

I appreciate your help

GIYF “raspberry pi SPI 250”

or search this forum “SPI 250” - 1st hit (ref RPi3 & iMST concentrator tells much!)

If using mp pkt forwarder potentially also look to add the -s option if you see further problems :wink:


try adding “core_freq=250” to /boot/config.txt this will lock the SPI speed to 8MHz. Search for VPU in the discussion “rp3-x-ic880a-gateway-stopped-working”

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Thanks. The post you referenced helped to understand the issue.

I really appreciate your effort & reply

I modified core_freq=250 but nothing changed.
I will review it later.
My solution is to keep trying till packet forwarder works

Thanks to all of you!