Error fetching device and Can't delete application

My first foray into Lora so I’ve set up a new gateway (TheThingsInternalGateway) and a new application with a single device (TheThingsNode).

I’m currently having difficulty as whenever I open my application and select my device I get an error message “Error Fetching Device” and “Error: Internal error: [Unavailable] Broker did not return device: unavailable: NetworkServer did not return device: unavailable: connection error: desc = “transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection timed out””

I tried deleting the device but can’t so I thought I’d start again and delete the application but can’t do that either so I’m stuck.

Any idea how I can get out of this?

Thanks Arjan, I’ll check out the Digital Catapult article. That could well be the issue as after 2 days failing to select the device it’s now working again.

CHeers, Martin

Sorry, the post I referred to has been deleted, so I’ve deleted my post too.