End device transmitting in multiple networks

Hi all,

I am considering a deployment where a device is configured both in TTN and another Lorawan network. This is because sometimes it transmits to one and sometimes to another. I understand the correct solution is roaming in order to combine data coming from each network but is there something in the specification that prohibits this from working?

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AFAIK, roaming works on the basis that different networks are connected though a service like Packet Broker so you only need the ‘home’ network setup.

If the other network isn’t on PB, then you will need to code the firmware to hold the state as it swaps between networks, a non-trivial but feasible task.

Why does your device need to alternate between networks?

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Please use search on the forum. This topic has been covered multiple times already.

Short take-away:

  • Not an option if you use the same credentials (EUIs en keys) on multiple networks
  • None of the existing stacks support swapping multiple credentials and related state out of the box, so major surgery on the stacks required. Not trivial and easy to mess up resulting in both networks refusing to accept data.
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