End device seems to be already registered but I haven't

Greetings everyone,

Currently I find myself registering a LoRaWAN tracker on this LNS, however I’m stuck in an awful situation: It seems like someone else registered a device with the same DevEui and AppEUI as my device.

It seems odd to me, since, it is to my knowledge, that a device’s DevEUI and AppEUI are unique identifiers.

is it worth mentioning that test-app7 is not an application within my account.

Is there something I can do from my end to fix this?

Thanks in advance

  1. Complain to your vendor, DevEUI is supposed to globally unique.

  2. If possible modify the DevEUI on the device to a value generated by TTN. (As you don’t mention the brand and model I can’t check if it allows you to change the EUI)