Hello all,
My apologies in advance if this has been already asked but I didn’t find a clear procedure for the following scenario.
I’ve bought a WLR089U0 module and fitted it on a custom board. Thanks to the posts being published here and the kindness of some user I’ve got my end device able to send and receive data as expected.
The next step is to implent the FUOTA functionality. After studying the Semtech paper, I thought that a good starting point to prove this concept is the clock synchronization using the DeviceTimeReq mac commands.
Unfortunately, this hasn’t been implemented on the Microchip example project and I’ve started developing it.
(I know this is not the Microchip forum and this topic is not focused on the Microchip Lora Stack but, if someone has any experience with the poor documented MLS in retrieving the GPS time being sent by TTN, I’d really appreciate any additional information).
Since I’m in the developing phase, I need to modify and download the module fw several times and therefore all the join information have to be re-entered.
I’ve joined using the OTAA just the first time and the following times I was joining using the ABP manually entering all the needed information and counters (if I don’t join using the ABP i get the “not_joined” response from the module).
This “trick” worked until I’ve migrated to TTN V3 and if I try to do It now I’m not able to receive ACKs when transmitting (with consequent down counter-frame mismatch ).
To be able to test my code now I’ve to reset the end device using the CLI commands :
- ttn-lw-cli end-devices reset appID DevID --all
- ttn-lw-cli end-devices reset appID DevID --mac-settings.resets-f-cnt
- ttn-lw-cli end-devices reset appID DevID --resets-join-nonces (also tried with --resets-join-nonces “true” but this commands often doesn’t work and I get “DevNonce has already been used”).
My questions are:
Is there a right procedure to follow in order to get my device rejoined during the development?
Would this “procedure” be valid for a real-life application?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards