i got some Ebyte E78-868LN22S SW Version 4.0, the datasheet seems to be older than the firmware…
I tried to set it up in a german lorawan so 868MHz, in both methods OTAA / ABP. Nothing to see in my console for the device nor the gateway. the module doesn’t even draw more current when I await it to connect to gateway. I’ver the break out board USB version as well as the single chip with DIY breakout, same behviour.
So may question is, anybody had a successfull join and datatransfer with those modules?
In addition i’ve a CDEBYTE E78-DTU(900LN22) which is working just fine.
Any suggestions anyone? Looking forward for some support, thanks in advance!!
About two years ago I was successful with some E78 868LN22S modules in OTAA and ABP modes
I live in France (868MHz) , my TTIG gateway is in the attic
Modules came from EBYTE/CDEBYTE chop on Aliexpress
No firmware changed for the inside ASR6501 chip
As I look to log notes I see that :
Device used LoRaWAN version 1.0.2, Regional Parameters 1.0.2 rev B
AT+CGMM? reported E78-900M22S (but E7868LN22S seen on module’s metal lid)
AT+CGMR? reported SF V1.0
I have the USB breakouts with Firmware 4.0 which does Not Work. I got two stamps / barr Chips with FW 3.0 those Work. Furthermore i tested a DTU 78 steal cased device, using also an E78 868 ln 22s with a Special DTU Firmware in Alpha state, working properly also.
For gateway i am using a sensecap.
I requested some Firmware Infos at Ebyte, WE will See how their Support will react…
Please format the log output with the </> - it makes it much easier to read.
As you’re able to get the serial output, perhaps consider showing us what actually happens which is the heart of the matter - show us the serial output of a join attempt.