Ebyte(E106-868G27P2) with ttn and dragino/lora end device not working

For gps dragino/lora end device I am following this link https://www.instructables.com/Use-Lora-Shield-and-RPi-to-Build-a-LoRaWAN-Gateway/ and for lora packet forwarder I am using this stack https://github.com/Lora-net/sx1302_hal.git . I have edited global_conf.json

Blockquote “gateway_conf”: {
“gateway_ID”: “E45F01FFFE72D148”,
/* change with default server address/ports /
“server_address”: “eu1.cloud.thethings.network”,
“serv_port_up”: 1700,
“serv_port_down”: 1700,
adjust the following parameters for your network /
“keepalive_interval”: 10,
“stat_interval”: 30,
“push_timeout_ms”: 100,
forward only valid packets /
“forward_crc_valid”: true,
“forward_crc_error”: false,
“forward_crc_disabled”: false,
GPS configuration /
“gps_tty_path”: “/dev/ttyS0”,
GPS reference coordinates /
“ref_latitude”: 0.0,
“ref_longitude”: 0.0,
“ref_altitude”: 0,
Beaconing parameters */
“beacon_period”: 0,
“beacon_freq_hz”: 869525000,
“beacon_datarate”: 8,
“beacon_bw_hz”: 125000,
“beacon_power”: 14,
“beacon_infodesc”: 0
My packet forwarder is working absolutely fine. And I am getting logs of gateway connection.

But my end device can not connect with that. So I am not getting logs of dragino lora/gps end device logs. Although I am getting EV_TXCOMPLETE status.

Who’s going to explain Single Channel Packet Forwarders?

I have already mentioned that I am using https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/SX1302_LoRaWAN_Gateway_HAT in user guide tab. I am using that packet forwarder. which contain sx1302_hal stack

As noted you have linked to a post which:

“Over here,we will use the Lora Shileld,MEGA2560 and Raspberry Pi to build a single channel LoRaWAN gateway.”

Turn it off, disconnect from TTN and go use Forum search for SCPF, DCPF and/or SIngle Channel Packet Forwarders (Note what you have is NOT a LoRaWAN GW).

As it says further down the same post:

"Lora Gateway:

The RPi Lora Gateway will receive this data…"

Note key diffference - yes it used LoRa Technology, but a LoRa tranceiver alone does not a LoRAWAN Gateway make!

If you were indeed…

Then no problem you would be heading in the right direction. :slight_smile:

Which piece of hardware do you think

Is targeted to? Is it

" The Dragino Lora Shield ------ Raspberry Pi" ? Nahh, didnt think so…

As its says in the same (now ancient!) article…

“This single channel LoRaWAN gateway is a proof-of-concept implementation,that can be used for development and node testing. It is not a replacement for a real multi channel/multi SF gateway! It supports some LoRaWAN features, but due to its static nature (single channel) it is not fullyLoRaWAN compatible (and will never be)”.

By almeans use as POC and development environment if you must - but you will create more problems for yourself and others than you will solve…and do this using your own Private LoRa instance…DO NOT USE ON TTN as disruptive to other users… Better yet as it says

"This is not a real gateway, it is for testing purposes". Please go and get a real one (TTIG, LPS8 etc…they are not expensive and there is no excuse!)

Further on same line it says:

“It is LoRaWAN compatible, but not compliant.” WRONG! Running a SCPF is NOT even compatible - it is disruptive and should not be connected.

I see article is by DavidGuo (Dragino?) and he states:

" If you have any problem with this project,you can connact (sic) us by support@dragino.com or post the problems on the TTN forum (Special thanks to @CurlyWurly)."

By almeans hassle David and the Dragino support team, they shouldn’t perpetuate this stuff (ok, so it is a VERY old article and may not be possible to take down - the Ref to changes in “January” called out goes back to start of 2016 not currently 2022! or the recent V2 to V3 (TTS-CE) changes and I believe reflects transition from TTN V1 (Croft) to V2 but do not ask here as SCPF & DCPF are no longer supported on the TTN Forum!(3years +). (I suspect Pete would also disown now with what he now knows about LoRaWAN today :wink: )

TL::DR Get a LoRaWAN GW, try again and come back if you are then still having problems
p.s. you can turn your SCPF into a node, even if not battery friendly, so not a complete waste… :slight_smile:

I am using The Dragino Lora Shield with Arduino as a end device and EBYTE E106-868G27P2 with Raspberry Pi as a gateway

Ok, not clear or obvious from OP - comments wrt original article stand for anyone reading later! :slight_smile:

I would point out that as noted this article is from 2 generations prior, near 6 years old and so in context VERY old so good chance it is drastically in need of update to reflect V3 TTN - not least use of suitable LoRaWAN libraries for use with the node to play nicely with the TTN NS… suggest update starting point and grab recent library for LMIC etc. Again and as always Forum search is your friend…

Update: I checked and the shield .ino is 6 years old grab an update… :wink:

No, no you didn’t, not even a little bit, you linked to an Instructable dated Mar 30th, 2016 that clearly states in its opening paragraphs:

Over here,we will use the Lora Shileld,MEGA2560 and Raspberry Pi to build a single channel LoRaWAN gateway.

LoRa Technology is a wireless modulation for long-range, low-power, low-data-rate applications. By achieving a range of more than 15 kilometers in a suburban environment and more than 2 kilometers in a dense urban environment, LoRa technology solutions target multiple application domains, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), metering, security, and machine-to-machine (M2M).

This single channel LoRaWAN gateway is a proof-of-concept implementation,that can be used for development and node testing. It is not a replacement for a real multi channel/multi SF gateway! It supports some LoRaWAN features, but due to its static nature (single channel) it is not fullyLoRaWAN compatible (and will never be).
By default it works with the TTN backend, for testing and development.

Refer to the summary of Thomas

If you’ve suddenly magic’d up a WaveShare Gateway concentrator HAT since then, please be honest enough to say so - we are all volunteers here and moving the goal posts on a topic is a waste of our time.

Granted the Ebyte part called out in Thread title, but no specific call out of its use (and links/instructions thereto), rather the implication that you were following the article and simply amending the packet forwarder on the SCPF to use the one from Git as used for the Ebyte part!, sorry.

Appeal to forumites & posters; help us help you by including all relevent information and background and explicit call out of what you are using - hardware & software/libs etc. :wink: to avoid such confusion

Ebyte - the home of many many modules that do Point 2 Point LoRa which people buy because they think it can do LoRaWAN.

We absolutely can’t start looking up part numbers for people.

Or debug why there is a link to an Instructable that doesn’t relate to the aforementioned cryptic part number.

Jeff is good cop, I’m the bad cop.

Done to death now so key is update your node lib, clue was in the LMIC lib you linked to (via the article) where you will see…

" This repository is no longer maintained. The recommended alternative is the MCCI version of LMIC, which is based on this one, but has seen much improvements over the years, has much better documentation and is mostly a drop-in replacement."

…moving on…