Dragino shield node

Hi i have one Arduino UNO Draguino end node sending some temperature data(Using the link (https://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Get-Sensor-Data-From-a-Remote-Arduino-Via-W/)…Successfully send data from client to server node… Also i have an IC880A concentrator and RPi3… I used the link https://github.com/ttn-zh/ic880a-gateway/wiki to build my Gateway… Now i want to send the sensor data from Arduino node to this gateway… Which application need to be used? Please help me to solve this.

So you have a LoRaWAN gateway, registered and working on TTN and now you want to build a LoRaWAN node with that Draguino shield and an Arduino UNO.

  • What Dragino shield do you have exactly (type and frequency) and what did you find yourself ?

i’m using Dragino LoRa Shield v1.4 with 868MHZ


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