Dragino LG308

Just to report that this seems to work nicely with TTN and will make a nice indoor gateway.

If anyone else here has one, do you happen to know the meaning of the various LEDs on the front panel?

1 = Power - solid red
2 = ??? (Heart Shape) - off
3 = ??? (World Shape) - solid red
4 = ??? (Triagle network shape) -off
5 = ??? (Network shape) I think WAN - blinking red
6 = Wifi (Usual Wifi shape) WiFI client? - blinking red



you tried connecting to TTN yourself ? and can it communicate with lorawan nodes ?

it has everything ‘on board’ :wink:

1 x SX1308 + 2 x 1257 LoRa Tranceiver
1 x SX1276 LoRa Tranceiver
1 x GPS module for LoRa localization

Looking at the photo from the link that @BoRRoZ shared and assuming that it follows what the symbols were used for on their other products.

1 - Power
2 - (Heart) - Used by their other devices at least to indicate the processor board or mcu was doing something (i.e. for the LG01 it’s used in a blink sketch but it’s not clear if it’s a similar thing from looking at the LG308 documentation)
3 - (Globe/World) - WAN
4 - I’ll guess at this one since the photos don’t show a Triangle but generally that’s a symbol used on phones for your cell service
5 - Associated with the LAN connection
6 - Wifi (if the unit is emitting a WiFi signal)

Hi, yes, definitely working fine 
 see pix.


Although not sure why I am seeing this, for example, three times ?


Here are the LEDs on the front 
 (yes, the Dragino logo sticker is upside down!)


And only 3 of the antenna ports are populated with connectors (vs. 4 shown in their adverts and manual etc). There is an internal flat panel (tape) antenna, however. They also are not documented anywhere I can see but the unit needs 

WiFi, LoRa, 4G and GPS (I think!)


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That is probably an acknowledged transmission where the node does not receive an ACK and retries.

 just to add a bit more as I look in t this device 
 there is this page, where I have expanded out all the options 
 I have radio 0 and radio 1 untiicked (disabled) at present. Not documented what this is doing 


Take a look at the TTN frequency plan on github, there you will see settings for the radio and the additional channel frequencies.

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Been looking at this new Dragino product myself!

I think your Radio_0 tx max frequency needs to be 869525000 (enable this only)

I maybe wrong, if you have both disabled TTN wont be able to send downlinks.

Does it allow you to set the individual frequencies for the 8 channels listening? (channel settings tab) Also, does it have the full data rates DR0 - DR7 ?

Hi there,

I wrote to the Dragino folks asking for further documentation 
 it’s in the works but not done yet.

I have actually left all of this empty (default) and it all seems to work fine for me!

I don’t have access to the device right now, but will respond more fully when I do and will upload screenshots etc.

Good device IMO.


Hi there,

I buy’d this device recently too. My unit comes without GPS even though it was declared.

I have a lot of problems with downlink, becuase of time drifts I think. My log says enormous high numbers of drift, so I thought this is my problem.

I try to add an USB serial converter (ftdi) with an ublox 6M laying around, but this OpenWRT build doesnt have usb serial drivers and usb packages from repo doesn’t have packages for current running kernel.

So I decided to rebuild OpenWRT without Dragino auto provisioning and updating crap (connection to weird server adresses www.163.com and so on). After lots of trying and code studiyng how to interface SPI Ports, I get it to run. I am not a developer so it was not easy to me, but I suceed.

I cloned openwrt-18.06 stock clean repo not draginos one, added dragino feed and added only lora-packet-forwarder and luci-config for forwarder. I removed a lot of board autodetect fuctions because it hast detect mine LG308 as an LG02 often and configured only one SPI. I extend LuCi Config Page to add GPS Enable / Disable and GPS device path. Fake GPS and some other config parameters is now possible too. I fixed Logread tabs moreover.

I added some useful tools to OpenWRT too like screen, nano and htop. All often used usb serial converter drivers also added.

I wrote dragino and they uploaded schematics of the lg08 board to their github repo. I needed it to confirm SPI pinouts for SX1301 and onboard SX1276 (useable for tx, freeing resources on SX1301).

The hardware is very interesting, one SX1301, one SX1276 near SX1301 and one SX1276 onto main pcb. In total one SX1301 for RX and TX and two SX1276 for TX. Second SPI is connected to SX1276 which is default TX module and antenna connector connected to it. They modified lora_pkt_fwd.c to transmit via SX1276. If “send via SX1276” is not enabled in LuCi Config Page you need to reattach antenna cable to proper output to prevent damage transmitter. But I don’t know how to interface second SX1276 which is on a doughterboard which has the SX1301 too.

After adding my ublox via USB FTDI and config it properly, downlink is working without problems and have very low time drifts now (~300-950”s)

If someone interested in my OpenWRT build ask here. I dont know how to upload my modified code to github without all build files because it hast about 4,5GB. I can write a small text how I modified code.
It is not perfect at all, some LuCi Pages are not working now, but I am working on it.

Sorry for my bad english, I am not an english native speaker.



I would be interested in seeing any notes you have on the changes. I’ve been eyeing that gateway but the docs for it are very limited.

Hi there,

I’ve spent a bit time investigation how everything works. A lot of trial and error and reading and testing code. Dragino made a lot of typing errors in lora pkt forwarder, so SX1276 is never used for TX. I debugged it with my bladeRF, never seen a response from my gateway, even with original firmware. Even with gps timing, forwarder sends now reliabily packets, but I am not receiving it. All packets are sent through SX1301 which is normally no antenna pigtail connected. I added additional DEBUG messages and enabled a bit of more verbose output on lora pkt forwarder. It can be viewed via logread or via LuCi or simply stopping service and start lora_pkt_forwarder via ssh. Now I have a good working clean image.

SX1276 can be tested using single_tx program. All tests apps of libloragw are now available at /usr/bin for easy testing.

I added / changed:

  • LED Configuration (preinit and uci defaults, can be edited via LuCi as well)
  • Slimmed down GWID, hostname generation
  • Freed up GPIO12 to enable reset onboard SX1276 module
  • Removed tests not available with SX1301
  • Auto enable Wifi AP with part of Macid

I had problems flashing it via sysupgrade/LuCim I think dragino had another Flash Layout than stock OpenWRT. I attached my USB Serial Converter to Router Connector and flashed it via U-Boot. Thats pretty easy, just print env variables and set tftpserver and local IP address and run firmware_upg script. Load sys upgrade image to tftp root with filename “firmware.bin”. If you are more familiar with, you know how to do.

uboot cli:

  • printenv : print current config
  • setenv : write to env
  • save : save current env to flash
  • run firmware_upg : small script to download and flash firmware.bin from specified server ip
  • reset : restart board

Config filesystem should be formatted now to start from scratch. You can config your gateway like original firmware with wifi ap or connect to LAN port. You get an ip from default OpenWRT network range Gateway has address

I add image to this thread in case you wanna try it out.

In January my friend who is developer show me how to correctly upload it to GitHub so you can repeat, optimize and look into my modifications. Please take care my mods are not perfect, because I am not a hard core embedded device developer and never compiled OpenWRT by myself with other mods outside menuconfig.

If you don’t like open up your device to attach usb serial, I added opkg packages to manually replace lora packages. I don’t know if it works at dragino image.

Download from private cloud
Pass: draginofw2018

Dear zock3r1608

and always realize your downloading and installing from an UNKNOWN souce :sunglasses:

Correct, not very serious.

Added steps to reproduce with diff files to download folder.

Without having tried this particular gateway:

In many openWRT based systems some LED configuration can be found in /etc/config (usually in ‘system’).


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The standard firmware doesn’t seem to reconnect automatically or switch over the WAN to 4G.
Once the interface is up or down at boot, it just stays that way unfortunately.

The system LED didn’t seem to do much, so I put in at least a check on “3g-4g” interface:

config led ‘led_system’
option name ‘System’
option sysfs ‘dragino2:red:system’
option trigger ‘netdev’
option dev ‘3g-4g’
option mode ‘link tx rx’

test LED functionalities without changing config:
echo “netdev” > /sys/class/leds/dragino2:red:system/trigger
echo “link rx tx” > /sys/class/leds/dragino2:red:system/mode
echo “3g-4g” > /sys/class/leds/dragino2:red:system/device_name

From the manual (section 8.4 Can I control the LED’s?), it seems like the LED purposes are user definable.

I have a dragino LG01 and it looks like the case is the same. On the LG01 the LED’s are linked to pins on the embedded Arduino compatible MCU (and can thus be controlled by an Arduino program).