Downlink from UBIDOTS in TTS

Hi there! I recently migrated all my devices and applications from The Things Network to The Things Stack and was using an interface with Ubidots that included downlinks to TTN.

Now, in the new system the “TTN Downlink” event cannot be used and I think the solution is in the “Webhook trigger” but I can’t get it to work.

All downlinks is working fine in the TTS console for my nodes.

Has anyone already downlinked TTS from ubidots? I’ve been reviewing these two documents but I can’t find a way to unite both concepts and make it work. I couldn’t find any posts on this very specific topic, only on separate things.

Thanks !!!

Hi MarianoMoviles,

I did a quick check to Ubidots Help Center and it seems they’ve released a tutorial that address exactly your questions, how to manage Downlink messages to TTS V3 using webhooks

I highly recommend having a look at it and following it.


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Hi davsaint89!
A couple of days ago I was able to solve the problem and a few moments ago I found (looking for something else) this same article. The same figure created recently and had not seen it before solving the problem. It was a coincidence that the solution I found is the same one described in that document.

From already thank you very much!

Hi marianoMoviles
I have the same problem to send messages from Ubidots to TTS, I have followed the guide shared by davsaint89 but in the section where it says that an HTTP integration is needed, I can’t implement it.

I would be very grateful if you could give me a clue as to how you managed to solve the problem.
