Does the Arduino MKRWAN 1300 not support AU915 or am I doing something wrong?

I’ve spent days trying to get my Arduino MKRWAN 1300 to work with my RAK831 gateway. I’m in Australia and I’ve been trying to use AU915.

Very rarely I’d see a bit of data come through but I would never come close to be able to send data from the Arduino. The modem connection would always fail.

But I set my TTN gateway to AS923 and in the gateway settings on TTN console I set it to Asia and it works perfectly.

Obviously I’d like to use 915 to keep everything standard. Does anyone know if the Arduino is supposed to do 915? If not I might buy something else because ultimately I do want to use 915.

If the Arduino doesn’t support 915, can I safely use AS923 in Australia until I get a device that will let me switch back to 915?

Edit: I forgot to add, their website states: 433/868/915 MHz EU/US. So I never really thought there would be an issue using modem.begin(AU915).

I have two of these Arduino boards and they both behave the same.

Thank you :slight_smile: