Hi there!
I am currently working through the LoRaWAN backend specification and came across a part about DNS resolving NetIDs and JoinEUIs.
It says that the LoRa alliance shall provied two DNS zones to resolve unknown NetIDs/JoinEUIs (when dealing with foreign nodes in a roaming scenario i guess).
In the specification it says that for example the following FQDN would to be resolved:
According to: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/docs/lorawan/prefix-assignments/ TTNs NetID would be 000013 so I would assume that the following should give me something:
It seems there is not much information about this specific topic on the internet. Is it possible to do these kind of queries or do you have to be member of the alliance/have a public NetID on your own to have access to those information?
I would be glad to have some hints on clarification to that specific topic.
Thanks in advance.