Did you try everynet gateway with TTN?

Hi, there is a quite affordable gateway offered by http://everynet.com/ did anybody ever test it?

All what I found on their website is a lorawan device and data management service. I didn’t found anything about hardware offering…

Where did you find that offer?

From their FAQ:

Where do I buyeverynet-compatible devices?

We don’t sell devices directly. Instead, you can buy them from manufacturers around the world. Any LoRaWAN-compatible device will work with everynet.

…but also:

Does everynet cover my region?

We are growing our network all the time. LoRaWAN transmitters are simple to install, and cover a wide area. And because we use protected ISM frequencies, everynet works everywhere in the world. We’re excited about bringing everynet to new places. So if you need us to cover a particular location, get in touch.

All quite vague; looking at that website I don’t feel like spending any money there, but I don’t see any pricing for their services either.

Ah, a photo in a March 18th tweet:

But, no mention of any price.

I have one of these and I use it a lot for demos because its so easy to use and a pretty sexy design. Its easy because it is locked to Everynet - just power it up and connect IP (or rely on 3G) and you’re away. I don’t think there are any options to connect it to any network other than Everynet though.

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Any details on resellers and pricing?