Device with ID thp84-2 does not exist for application thp84


I have created a ttn application with one device some months ago. All working fine.

Now I added a second device and ran into problems when adding the location here:

Calling this page results in an error: Device with ID thp84-2 does not exist for application thp84.

With “ttnctl subscribe” I see incoming data from the second device:

INFO Uplink Message
AppID: thp84
DevID: thp84-2
Port: 1
FCnt: 191
Payload (hex): B80B1A040000394F0000187F0100
INFO Decoded fields
pres_hPa: 980.72
temp_degC: 10.5
valid: true
vcc_V: 3
humi_Percent: 20.281

Can I repair this?
I’d like to not delete/archive the device but keep the ID as flashed on the device

I was lucky:

suspected, a longitude 0 could be a problem. I set latitude first in the console and saved with longitude 0 to cut and paste longitude in a second step.
Now I set it with “ttnctl devices set thp84-2 --longitude 9.11” to something else and it is working again!

So the only question remaining: is there a bug report page for this?

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Hi, and thanks. Had the same issue and your solution fixed it.

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glad it made some sense to report this :slight_smile: