Device to dashboard in a couple of hours

It’s forecast to be dangerously hot (for British people) over the next few days. So I thought I’d do a quick practise run for my workshop at the conference:

  • Device: Random Arduino / LMIC combo with 4 x DS18B20’s
  • Gateway: Many!
  • Integration: web hook - extended version of this PHP integration script
  • Database: mySQL and some queries that create JSON summaries on the fly
  • Dashboard: FreeBoard with some tweaks - it’s not good with window resizes, but it’s quick, easy, cheap(!) and has negligible server side load as the rendering is done on the client - it just pulls data at appropriate intervals.

To optimise the load on the server I should run some summary scripts, but there aren’t that many data points and it’s only temporary.


It transmits readings every 5 minutes via a radio system called LoRaWAN to a receiver in the home office.”

So…you are assuring always low SF (7/8) and small payload therefore meeting FUP? ! :wink: Tee Hee…

Even the data centers are succumbing to the heatwave :slight_smile:

" We have confirmed that the impacted data center cooling infrastructure in the UK South (London) region has been restored and temperatures have returned to normal operating levels. At this time all services and their associated resources have been restored and customers should now see recovery.

Customer Impact: A subset of customers may have been unable to access or use *****e Cloud Infrastructure resources hosted in the UK South (London) region.

Preliminary Root Cause: Following unseasonably high temperatures in the UK South (London) region, a subset of cooler units in the data center experienced a failure when they were required to operate above their design limits. As a result, temperatures in the data center began to increase causing a subset of Compute infrastructure to go into protective shut down."

Yep, Google & Oracle cloud infrastructure impacted with knock on to users inc a large Wordpress Host service that uses GCP, they shut stuff down ‘proactively’ when some cooling systems failed to protect kit from further melt down but recent reports today suggest they may have been too late with some additional storage systems subsequently failing due to heat stress…

…and this in the UK! (Where I should sy local to me in Thames Valley its now ‘back to normal’ and raining again - Thunderstorms predicted overnight!) Definition of a British summer - “3 days of sunshine followed by a thunderstorm”, bit extreme this time mind and not great for some who sadly have lost their homes as a consequence of yesterdays fires :frowning:

One of yesterdays reports:

and update from today:

Thank goodness heat didnt significantly stretch to Dublin, Ireland (TTN EU cluster (& website?) hosted in AWS DC :wink: )

Maybe we should deploy some * Device: Random Arduino / LMIC combo with 4 x DS18B20’s* in some of the DC to warn them of the looming trouble. :sweat_smile:

You’d think that would be a good idea but I learn’t after a difference of opinion about a development strategy for a global help desk for a global tech manufacturing company back in the early 2000’s that common sense solutions aren’t part of the corporate repertoire.

A couple of former clients have contracts to do just that for some big DC and comms hub/data exchange operators…LoRa/LoRaWAN systems - ok not Arduino/LMIC but pro/custom designed sensors - also adding in some leak sensors to drop into the sub floor areas to forwarn of issues down there also! Power and intrusion monitoring for rooms and racks added into the mix and OOB so not reliant on the systems being monitored . High metal content/reflective environments where low power radio and LoRa resiliance a benefit c/w legacy radios and as you may be aware many DC’s object to idea of cellular devices inside their DC’s :wink: So a good fit use case.

As we seem to have hijacked Nick’s thread guess should apologise and add in initial POC demo system done for the vendor/SI (temp, humidity, door sensor and alarm light) went from 2 or 3 device(s) IIRC and GW config/set up to (cayenne in that case) dashboard in ~1 hr :wink: A bit crude and ‘lego-block build’ with COTS sensors as proxy to show what they might offer their client vs a development activity so not in same class as Nicks - no PHP, no JSON stuff just basic (V2 at the time) TTN console set up and Integration. :slight_smile:

I think the illustration of Nick demo shows how fast a solution can be build (obviously the knowledge to do it takes a lot of sweat over years to get to it). Where if you require solutions you come and knock on the door of partners with knowledge.

Yes they object to cellular devices and then install WiFi in the DC. :wink:

Some DC are relatively small and server rooms, low power solutions could make sense in these.

Not at all, any discussion about getting a quick solution going is welcome here. There seem to a lot of stats about projects that fail - perhaps if there were more pragmatic case studies around that would help.

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