Deep Sleep and OTAA (m328p / LMIC)

There are some notes on power down versus deep sleep in the section entitled;

“Reducing Tracker node sleep current - a wasteful race to the bottom ?”

In this report;

Its about GPSs and trackers, but the principles are the same.

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I do external interrupt from TPL 5110.

I use Mini-Lora nodes as described in:

This Arduino stack allows you to save the session keys (and network id, upload counter):

I’m basing a node on this library for use with an ESP32 TTGO LoRa board where the session keys and some counters are stored in (simulated) EEPROM here. In the EV_JOINED callback, I’m saving them:

Upon startup, I check my EEPROM structure for a previously saved session, and restore it using either LMIC_SetSession(…), or do a JOIN using LMIC_StartJoining():


How to get dev_EUI from RFM95 with arduino nano? I have problems

Thanks in advance.

@am1lcarcaceres just let TTN generate you a unique one when you register a device

The RFM95 does not have an EUI so you will not be able to get it.
Use a TTN generated one like @Paul_Stewart suggests.

Which library are you using to drive the RFM95?

I’m just entering the world of LoRa, thanks for solving the doubt

I am using the LMIC library, thank you for solving my doubts

Hi im also using a ATMEGA328p with an RFM in deepsleep mode.

But my uC wakes only 3 oder 4 times up after that it newer sends data again.

Somebody has a clue?

that’s not enough information :sunglasses:


I’m using IOT-MCU V1, soldered DIO1 D5 together and my sketch is from

Using the MCCI Library.

It works only one time, (see the data in the console) then die Atmega sleeps and never wakes up again.

The forum will need to know the actual code you are using, its much easier for us than using the external code generator which may well not provide the same code you are using.

And an actual link to the actual hardware you are using, its not fully clear exactly which hardware ‘IOT-MCU V1’ actually is.


Is the IOTMCU V1 not the Lora Radio node V1.0? I see both names on the PCB.

he didn’t answer before … So it’s a waste of time/energy , we are not paranormal here imho :sunglasses:

When quoting parts or boards, it helps to provide a link or picture so we can be sure exactly what board you are using.

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I am not sure this will work, I will give it a try:

but mine is 886 MHz and since today good working with Cayenne: image

less then 5 uA in deepsleep… :sunglasses:

Well thats the board.

The problem might well be in your code. .

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