Strangely, when I suggest that to a tradesman “oh, it should be a simple job for a good plumber/electrician/automechanic”, the bill increases.
So, having finally given us the link which in fact has the decoder built in and told us how easy it is, what party forfeit are you going to pay. In good faith, here’s the encoder from their website:
function decodeUplink(e) {
let payload = hexToBytes(input.value);
var decoded_payload;
switch (payload[0] >> 6) {
case 0x00:
case 0x01:
decoded_payload = parseWithDescription(payload);
case 0x02:
// RECEIVED SETTINGS (response of the settings request downlink)
case 0x03:
// RECEIVED ACK (CRC) (response of the settings update downlink)
result.innerHTML += JSON.stringify(decoded_payload) + "\n";
function parseWithDescription(payload) {
let payloadIndex = 2; // Skip the message type and info bytes
let payloadPackage = {
bat: 0,
location: null,
transmitInterval: null,
measurements: []
const info = payload[0] << 8 | payload[1];
const batSet = (info & 0x2000) !== 0;
const locSet = (info & 0x1000) !== 0;
const firstTsSet = (info & 0x0800) !== 0;
const lastTsSet = (info & 0x0400) !== 0;
// Calculate sample count
const skip = payloadIndex + (batSet ? 1 : 0) + (locSet ? 8 : 0) + (firstTsSet ? 2 : 0) + (lastTsSet ? 2 : 0);
const totalBitsPerSample = numberOfBitsSet(info) * 10;
const totalBitsInPayload = (payload.length - skip) * 8;
const remainder = totalBitsInPayload % totalBitsPerSample;
const sampleCount = (totalBitsInPayload - remainder) / totalBitsPerSample;
if (sampleCount === 0) {
return null;
// Parse battery voltage
payloadPackage.bat = batSet ? payload[payloadIndex++] / 10 : 0.0;
// Parse latitude and longitude
if (locSet)
payloadPackage.location =
latitude: toNumber(payload.slice(payloadIndex, payloadIndex += 4)) / 1e7,
longitude: toNumber(payload.slice(payloadIndex, payloadIndex += 4)) / 1e7
// Parse the timestamps
let firstTimestamp = null;
let lastTimestamp = null;
let sampleInterval = 0;
if (firstTsSet && lastTsSet) {
const firstTS = payload[payloadIndex++] | payload[payloadIndex++] << 8;
const lastTS = payload[payloadIndex++] | payload[payloadIndex++] << 8;
if (firstTS != 0xFFFF) {
// Timestamps available
firstTimestamp = parseTimestamp(firstTS);
lastTimestamp = parseTimestamp(lastTS);
sampleInterval = (lastTimestamp - firstTimestamp) / (sampleCount > 2 ? sampleCount - 1 : 1);
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = sampleInterval * sampleCount
else {
// Parse the transmit interval to millis (HHHHMMMMMMSSSSSS)
let hMillis = (lastTS >> 12) * 60 * 60 * 1000;
let mMillis = ((lastTS >> 6) & 0x3F) * 60 * 1000;
let sMillis = lastTS & 0x3F * 1000;
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = hMillis + mMillis + sMillis;
// Calculate the first timestamp
sampleInterval = payloadPackage.transmitInterval / sampleCount;
firstTimestamp = new Date() - payloadPackage.transmitInterval + sampleInterval;
} else if (firstTsSet && !lastTsSet) {
// Not recommended
const firstTS = payload[payloadIndex++] | payload[payloadIndex++] << 8;
lastTimestamp = new Date();
if (firstTS != 0xFFFF)// Timestamp present
firstTimestamp = ParseTimestamp(firstTS);
sampleInterval = (lastTimestamp - firstTimestamp) / (sampleCount > 2 ? sampleCount - 1 : 1);
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = sampleInterval * sampleCount
else {
// first timestamp unknown!
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = 60000; //WARNING! Unknown transmit interval!
sampleInterval = payloadPackage.transmitInterval / sampleCount;
firstTimestamp = lastTimestamp - payloadPackage.transmitInterval + sampleInterval;
else if (!firstTsSet && lastTsSet) {
// Not recommended
const lastTS = payload[payloadIndex++] | payload[payloadIndex++] << 8;
// Has the GPS found a fix?
if (payloadPackage.location.latitude != 0 && payloadPackage.location.longitude != 0) {
lastTimestamp = parseTimestamp(lastTS);
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = 60000; //WARNING! Unknown transmit interval!
// Calculate the first timestamp
sampleInterval = payloadPackage.transmitInterval / sampleCount;
firstTimestamp = lastTimestamp - payloadPackage.transmitInterval + sampleInterval;
else {
// Parse the transmit interval to millis (HHHHMMMMMMSSSSSS)
let hMillis = (lastTS >> 12) * 60 * 60 * 1000;
let mMillis = ((lastTS >> 6) & 0x3F) * 60 * 1000;
let sMillis = lastTS & 0x3F * 1000;
payloadPackage.transmitInterval = hMillis + mMillis + sMillis;
// Calculate the first timestamp
sampleInterval = payloadPackage.transmitInterval / sampleCount;
firstTimestamp = new Date() - payloadPackage.transmitInterval + sampleInterval;
else {
// Parse the samples
let bitArray = toBitArrray(payload.slice(payloadIndex, payload.length));
let index = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++) {
let measurement = {
LAf: 0,
LAs: 0,
LCf: 0,
LCs: 0,
LAeq: 0,
LCeq: 0,
LAmax: 0,
LAmin: 0,
LCmax: 0,
LCmin: 0,
timestamp: ''
if (info & 0x0200)
measurement.LAf = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0100)
measurement.LAs = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0080)
measurement.LCf = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0040)
measurement.LCs = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0020)
measurement.LAeq = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0010)
measurement.LCeq = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0008)
measurement.LAmax = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0004)
measurement.LAmin = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0002)
measurement.LCmax = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
if (info & 0x0001)
measurement.LCmin = parseMeasurement(bitArray.slice(index, index += 10));
measurement.timestamp = new Date(firstTimestamp).toString();
firstTimestamp += sampleInterval; // Timestamp of the next sample.
return payloadPackage;
function numberOfBitsSet(info) {
let units = info & 0x03FF;
let count = 0;
while (units !== 0) {
count += units & 1;
units >>= 1;
return count;
function toNumber(bytes) {
let i = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < bytes.length; x++) {
i |= +(bytes[x] << (x * 8));
return i;
function toBitArrray(bytes) {
let bitArray = [];
for (let x = 0; x < bytes.length; x++) {
for (var b = bytes[x], i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
bitArray.push((b & 0x80) !== 0 ? 1 : 0);
b *= 2;
return bitArray;
function parseTimestamp(value) {
// format HHHHHMMMMMMSSSSSS 12h notation
var hours = value >> 12;
var minutes = (value >> 6) & 0x3F;
var seconds = value & 0x3F;
var utc = new Date();
if (utc.getHours() < hours) {
hours = 23 - (11 - hours); // midnight (0 < 11)
utc.setDate(utc.getDate() - 1);
else {
hours = utc.getHours() > 12 && hours < 12 ? hours + 12 : hours; // Convert to 24h notation
return Date.parse(utc.getFullYear() + '-' + zeroPad(utc.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + zeroPad(utc.getDate()) + 'T' + zeroPad(hours) + ':' + zeroPad(minutes) + ':' + zeroPad(seconds));
function zeroPad(str) {
str = str.toString();
return str.length === 1 ? '0' + str : str;
function parseMeasurement(bits) {
var cnt = 1;
var value = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
if (bits[9 - i]) {
value += cnt;
cnt += cnt;
return (value / 10 + 30).toFixed(1); // Don't forget the offset of 30dB!
function hexToBytes(hex) {
for (var bytes = [], c = 0; c < hex.length; c += 2) {
bytes.push(parseInt(hex.substr(c, 2), 16));
return bytes;
Why is the supplier not able to do this for you for the world’s largest LoRaWAN network?